[Güncelleme Notu] 2.0.6

[Güncelleme Notu] 2.0.6



1- Crystal Fortress War event rewards have been activated.

2- Crystal Fortress War event times have been set. 

Everyday; 11:00 - 17:00 - 23:00 (UST/GMT)

3- The character transmutation scroll has been added to the shop. You can exchange from the Rise [Master] npc located in the Dorian region.

4- Duel system has been activated.

5- The new battle map Blood Valley has been activated for testing.


6- Fixed the counting issue in Gathering quests.
7- Fixed the issue where completed quests were displayed with the "all" option selected in the quest window.
8- When you press the ENTER button again after buying a large number of items from the market, automatic purchase is prevented.
9- Increased the Intelligence requirements of some Mace weapons in the Priest class.

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