[Patch Notes] 3.0.4

[Patch Notes] 3.0.4



1- Fixed an issue where players in the party were shown among players looking for a party in the "Party Matching" interface.
2- Fixed an issue where the range feature in the springs was not seen.
3- In the "Auction House" interface, production materials that are not visible in the search for goods are made visible. Fixed the problem that some wanted items could not be found.
4- Fixed an issue where mages used field skills while crafting.
5- Fixed some bugs in the game audio settings. 
6- After the use of "Rejuvenation Potion", a "cooldown" arrangement was made for the use of other potions.
7- Fixed the bug in the ability "Venom" .
8- Fixed bugs in flags sold in the "Supply Merchant NPC".
9- Fixed the bug found in the "Pinfish" item.
10- Fixed bugs in the descriptions of some items.
11- Updated the rebirth period of animals "Stag" and "Chicken".
12- Fixed an issue where level 1 Stoneware gathering objects (Sandstone) were not visible on the Dorion map.
13- Icons for the "Enhanced Pickaxe" and "Enhanced Secateurs" items have been edited. 
14- Fixed an issue where the "Enhanced Pickaxe" item did not work.
15- Players who could not join the "Bloody Valley War" and "Crystal Fortress War" school and could not log in "When not found in the opponent's game." they will receive.
16- Fixed name errors on some items.
17- Fixed the effect explosion issue of the leather swimming animal "Tiger".
18- Fixed the issue of the "healing" ability making noise even though the sound was muted.
19- Penalty information text has been added to the character selection screen.


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