Alfa 2.1.0 Patch Notes

Alfa 2.1.0 Patch Notes


- All sounds of Priest Skill FX have been integrated into the game. (The sounds of other Classes and Creatures will be added with the patches that will be released during the ALFA period)
- Updated Mage-Priest skills (MAGE; Fire Blow, Glacier Blow, Burn Away, Burnout, Ice Shock, Chill out, Glacier Blow) (Priest; Missfortune, Prophency and other minor edits)
- The big and eye-catching FX that comes out when you hit some mobs has been edited.
- Wasp and Necromancer not attacking issue has been fixed. 
- Spelling errors in some objects and skills have been corrected.
- Potions' prices have been adjusted to 1 coin and their weight has been reduced by half.
- Adrenaline and Legacy of Ancestors prices have been updated to 100 coins.
- Fixed an issue where some bosses' boxes were not spawning.
- Some bugs in the AI ??of the creatures have been fixed.
- Fixed issue of getting stuck in Merchants.
- The selection of the merchants has been arranged to be more clearly understood.
- The "players draw distance" setting in Settings> Game has been made more optimized.
- Work has been done for disconnect problems in gate transitions.
- Work has been done for offline market problems. (you may get lost during the test phase)
- The problem of the item remaining in the box in the preview option on the upgrade screen has been fixed.
- The prices on the Merchant and trade screen have been set to display 1,000,000.
- Fixed the issue where the Inventory and H menu opened at the same time.
- Fixed the issue of counting missions when dead.
- Fixed the issue of getting the opposite race to clana.
- Some problems encountered during the upgrade process have been fixed.
- Item tooltip color arrangement has been made.

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