Closed Beta 1.5 Patch Notes

Closed Beta 1.5 Patch Notes


Closed Beta 1.5 Patch Notes


1- We noticed that many users are saying that the lighting and game quality is not like the Alpha 2 version so we did a little modification in the game settings:
    a- In this patch all the game settings will be automatically reset.
    b- We improved the quality of the Temporal-AA anti-aliasing.
    c- The motion blur will be activated by default because it is reducing the character ghosting problem.
    d- The screen percentage has been changed for every graphic quality profile (Epic, High, Medium, Low and Very Low).
    e- If your gpu support the AMD FSR please activate it. This will give you a better image quality.

2- We improved the performance of the landscapes for Dorion, Protean Kingdom, Lunaskar Kingdom, Solo Dungeon, Haddar Lighlands and Hagard Castle maps. You may notice an increse in the FPS.

3- We noticed a problem in the character movment. Sometimes the character's moving animation is working but the player postion in not updating and sometimes when you have a lot of players in your screen some players are jumping and not moving smoothly.
We start fixing this problem but it is not confirmed yet as resolved because it will need a lot of tests from our players.

4- We fixed some of the client side crashes that we have been received for you.

5-Fixed an issue where the item name used in the Item Link property could be changed.

6-Reduced the damage rate of Death Valley towers.

7-Warrior - Vengance ability cooldown bug has been fixed.

8-Fixed the Lizard Dragon damage bug in Solo dungeon Hard mode.

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