[Patch Notes] 1.3.0

[Patch Notes] 1.3.0



1- New blood effect has been added. Now when your HP less than 30% you will be able to see warning effect. ( Can be enabled / disabled on your game settings )
2- Auction House navigation system has been activated for self merchants.


1- Added 20 second cooldown for the item link system on chat. 
2- Added 20 second cooldown for the travel system (gate and channel travelling).
3- In Dorion, Protean Kingdom, Lunaskar Kingdom quests collect and kill counts have been reduced and extra potion reward added. 

Bug Fixes

1- Dorion maps lag problem has been decreased a lot.
2- Career and gathering tools now need repair. Now when unrepaired tools, can't be available for career and gathering mode.
3- NFT Mounts and Pets, activated again.
4- Now Faction change system will not work without cancelling quests.

Security Updates

1- Macro detection module has been updated. Now when macro detection block target select. monsters name will be hidden.
2- Macro captcha module has been updated. Captcha will not come if you are in fishing, crafting or merchant mode.

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