Closed Beta 1.9 Patch Notes

Closed Beta 1.9 Patch Notes


1- New Marketplace which is known as "Auction House" has been implemented:
    a- Our game will include the old system (Offline Merchant + Normal Merchant) and the new Auction House system.
    b- For this patch the old system (Offline Merchant + Normal Merchant) has been temporarily closed to focus on the Auction House.
2- NFT system has been implemented. The system is now working on the AVAX test network (NOT THE MAIN NETWORK). A video on how to use it will be published later.

3- Death Valley map has been updated. You can discover some of the new areas on the map. More updates about the map will be added later. Also the morning/night cycle has been removed.

4- Still working on the monster movements, hopefully the problem about their movements will be fixed with the next patch.

5- Easy Anti Cheat module has been updated for the security and network performance reasons.

6- Trees and monsters are generally optimized which will affect your GPU a lot. (In the old patches some monsters and trees were dropping the FPS when they are in your screen.)

7- Party chat problem in the dungeons has been fixed.

8- Changing font size will affect system chat text too from now on. 

9- Offline Merchant UI has been updated.

10- New party bar has been added to the party bar settings.

11- The issue that the character appearance in the character creation screen is not reflected in the game has been fixed.

12- You can't send PM your offline clan members now.

13- Bow durability issue has been fixed.

14- An NPC with all of the current in-game weapons has been added to the Dorion map. Note that items will be updated on Open Beta. So most of the items will be changed. 

15- New characters you will create will be level 70. You need to kill a few mobs higher than level 68 to reach level 70 with your old characters. 

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