8.0.3 Patch Notes
The slot arrangement of Harpy-type creatures in Haddar and Haggard maps has been redesigned.
The Stinger creature slots in Haddar and Haggard maps have been reduced from 4 to 2.
The Vampiric Bat creature slots in Haddar and Haggard maps have been reduced from 3 to 2.
The Black Mummy creature slots in Haddar and Haggard maps have been narrowed, and the quantity has been reduced from 3 to 2.
The slot width of Lizardman creatures in Haddar and Haggard maps has been narrowed, and the creature quantity in the slot has been reduced from 8 to 5.
Superior Health Potion and Superior Mana Potion items obtained from Narun Cube, Silver Chest, Wooden Chest, and Captain's Red Box have been changed to Great Health Potion and Great Mana Potion.
When colliding with objects in the Death Valley region, your character will stop.
The pushing situation when the character dies has been corrected.
Quest Journal has been activated.The NPC sale price of Epic Upgrade Scroll has been adjusted to 1,400,000. The drop rate of Epic Upgrade Scroll from creatures has been halved.
The price of the "Milk" item sold by Supply Merchant has been updated to 1000 coins. (2000 -> 1000)
The 'failed' error in crossbow-type weapons has been fixed
Work has been done regarding the delay in the weapon equip/unequip system.
New Year's events have come to an end.
The range of Soulburn, Freezing Meteor, and Thunderstruck abilities has been reduced to 30 meters.
The range of Fire Surge, Fire Release, Fire Storm, Ice Surge, Ice Crush, Lightning Surge, Thunder Crush, and Vampiric Shock abilities has been reduced to 25 meters.
General optimization work has been performed

9.5.0 Patch Notes

9.4.0 Patch Notes
9.4.0 Patch Notes

9.3.1 Patch Notes
9.3.1 Patch Notes

9.2.3 Mini Patch Notes
9.2.3 Mini Patch Notes