[Güncelleme Notu] 2.0.1

[Güncelleme Notu] 2.0.1



1- Solo and group dungeons have been reactivated.
- Adjustments were made to the login errors.
-The entry limits have been increased.
2- The normal market setting limit has been increased.
3- Hagard/Haddar creature spawn problem is fixed.
4- Fixed the problem of spawning in the same coordinate when changing channels in Death Valley map.
5- In the Group Dungeon map, a study was carried out on the mechanical problems in the Elevator in Room 3 and Stuns in Room 4.
6- Exp points have been increased by 4 times in Solo and Group dungeon maps.
7- The problem of not sending the OTP code to the mail has been fixed.
8- Fixed typos in some menus.

Security updates

1- Adjustments were made in the Macro security system.

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