[Patch Notes] 3.0.1

[Patch Notes] 3.0.1




1- The number of crafting objects has been increased.
2- The number of Craft creatures in Dorion, Protean kingdom and Lunascar kingdom maps has been increased.
3- Fixed incorrect areas where craft objects fall under the ground.
4- Fixed the wrong preview issue appearing on the screen during Craft armor production.
5- Fixed the issue where players with 100% Craft Exp level could not re-equip their craft weapon after removing it. (Ex: Herbalism Level:1 Exp:100%)
6- Fixed the issue where the icons of Craft creatures appeared on the big map.
7- Fixed problems with the use of potions in the Crafting Alchemy category. (Not being able to put into the skill bar etc.)
8- Level requirement and duration of use in Shrim Saganaki, Grilled Perch, Lamb Cutlet, Baked Lobster items have been fixed.
9- Chicken Craft creature has been added to the Lunascar kingdom and Protean kingdom maps.
10- The R.O.W Assistant attack and ability usage have been improved.
11- Fixed the issue where Creatures would not attack after using Sleep and Lullaby abilities.
12- Fixed the issue of crafting Rogue characters after using their invisibility abilities.
13- Granite Block level error has been fixed.
14- Charcoal production quantity error has been fixed.
15- Chicken and Stag respawn times from craft creatures have been reduced.
16- Fishing 2 level condition error when generating Arius Blessing has been fixed.
17- Fixed the Effect problem in Tiger creature.
18- The missing Blood Valley days in the event calendar have been fixed.
19- The problem of not saving when you change the party bar appearance and re-enter the game has been fixed.
20- The weight of the fish has been reduced.
21- The problem of staying at 0.25% health of creatures has been adjusted.
22- Fixed the issue where the pearl (Pearl) in the group dungeon could not be thrown away.
23- The location problem that appears in the big map menu of skinning creatures has been fixed .
24- Between levels 24- 1 - 60, the required experience points were reduced by 30% .









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