Alfa 2.6.0 Patch Notes

Alfa 2.6.0 Patch Notes


- Problems with ability usage in Mage and Priest classes have been fixed.
- The cooldown of the "Fire blow, Glacial blow, Exploding bolt" skills in the Mage class has been adjusted as 0.5 seconds.
- Arrangements have been made regarding the problem of attacking invisibly in the Rogue class.
- The issue of sending party invites from party member's clan menu has been fixed.
- Low damage from characters and creatures has been fixed.
- The "Summoning Scroll" in Supply Merchant has been edited so that only the Mage class can use it.
- Fixed limit adjustment error when you right click on countable items in bank, seller and clearing transactions.
- The size of the area protected by Guard Towers in the Death Valley map has been increased.
- Improvements have been made in the problems experienced during the game entry and teleport.
- On maps; The regions where the creatures are stuck continue to be corrected. (Please report the problematic areas through the in-game ticket system.)
- The filtering settings in the "looking for party" option in the left submenu have been improved.
- Server stabilization work has been done.
- Performance study on FPS and RAM usage has been done.
- The sounds of the Sword and Ax class weapons have been added. The sounds of Mace, Long Spear, Hammer type weapons are under construction.
- Archer class abilities; The effects of the Triple Shot and Penta Shot abilities have been revamped.

- Experienced in the Crystal Fortress event map;

     *Fixed the issue where more than 8 players joined to a team.
     *Guard Tower health value has been adjusted to 1,000,000.
     *Arrangement was made regarding the problem encountered at the entrance to the event.
     *Efforts are underway to display the logs of all the players in the event on the log screen.
     *The event will be tested during the day.

- The King of Duel event map has been integrated into the game. For detailed information;

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